Introduction to Special Offers

You can easily create a Special Offer or Package in Springnest

Online offers are proven ways to manage occupancy, attract a new market segment, or promote a new product offering. With Springnest's Special Offer feature, you can publish targeted promotions according to your marketing plan.    


Add important pieces of information to your Special Offer or Package

Populate your offer with relevant information like a catchy title, description and feature media. Explore the left-hand menu too, here you can navigate through various options like adding a Booking Button (recommended), highlights, terms and conditions and validity dates. 


Easily share a Special Offer to Facebook or Twitter in Springnest Admin

Drive more traffic to your website, and create more awareness around the Special Offer you have worked on and published.


Special Offers are published as an optimised landing page on your website

Once you've published your Special Offer or Package, this is published as a optimised landing page on your website. Making it easy for any website visitor to access your Special Offers page and navigate through one or more of the offers that are currently available.  



Helpful Hints: